Thursday, June 6, 2019

Exploring a new art form: Artist Books

I shared with the Rowe artists one of my favorite classes I took while in college. It was called bookmaking. They thought it was funny that I wasn't sure what to expect when I started. I showed the class all of the sample books I made throughout the course including; a normal looking signature book, a book made from a cardboard box with a hole puncher, an accordion book, a "fancy" fold accordion book, and a tunnel book. There was lots of excitement about all these books and talk about how they were not the typical looking book you would find in the library or the book store. We then set out to make a pocket fold accordion book.
This is not one of ours but is a good example of what a pocket accordion book looks like on the inside. 

Many students were excited about the "fancy" folded accordion book I showed them. This is an example from online, it shows how to fold the paper. To make a book with this fold, you fold multiple squares of paper and then glue the square sides together to create a long fancy-folded accordion book.