Friday, January 31, 2020

Colorful Chalk Cityscapes with Printed lines

Before the break, we learned about different types of lines, for this project we discussed how lines go together to make shapes. We learned that everything is made out of shapes and lines. We then read the book Wow! City!, by Robert Neubecker and looked at a few Cityscapes by Paul Klee, James Rizzi, and Brian Whelan and talked about the shapes we see the most of in a city and what types of lines make those shapes. 
* The students were given rectangular pieces of thick cardstock to print straight lines and turn them into cityscapes. 
* The final step was color. We went back and looked at the illustrations of Wow! City! and the paintings by Klee, Rizzi, and Whelan and discussed how colorful the city can be. 

* Students were given chalk pastels, which they dipped in little cups of water to keep the dust down, and they filled in their cities with lots of color. 

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